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What Is The Maintenance For Water Treatment Equipment?

Maintaining Your Water Treatment Equipment

Pure, clean, clear water is essential to the safety and health of your family, your employees, your customers, the produce and vegetables your bring to market, and even your farm animals.  Because many homes, farms, and industries have water treatment systems installed here in Florida, it is important that regular maintenance checks are made to ensure that these systems continue to work properly.

How can you ensure the longevity and efficiency of your water treatment system? Whether it is installed in your home, your farm, or your business, regular maintenance and equipment upkeep are essential in order to keep the system up and running and producing perfectly pure water.

Being proactive is a must.  Preventative water treatment system maintenance includes professional inspections and control checks, cleaning, replacing dirty filters or other system parts and equipment, and a complete run through of the system to be sure it is working properly.

Frequent equipment use naturally causes wear and tear to various water treatment equipment parts. Some parts may need to be replaced to maintain proper operation of your system and prevent further damage. Water treatment system membranes, filters, pipes, wiring, and motors need to be checked at least once a year to ensure that all are working properly.

At Ideal Water Solutions in Tampa, we serve the Central and Gulf Coast regions of Florida.  Not only do we install some of the best water treatment systems available to both residential and industrial properties, but we also provide annual and on-demand maintenance and repair options.  

Our periodic equipment and system check-ups include sanitization, the installation of new filter membranes, a check for salt, resin, or scale in the pipes, and a complete overall system inspection so that we can ensure all your water treatment processes are operating correctly and any potential issues are identified and repaired.

We will check:

  • All equipment components for leaks.
  • Electronic controllers and control valves.
  • Pressure gauges.
  • The level of the brine or salt in the tank.
  • Inspect drains, pipes, and tubes.

With regular maintenance, we can help you prevent significant and expensive repairs.  We can also help you extend the lifespan of your system and give you peace of mind that everything is working safely.

Water Treatment Systems Done Right

Water System Maintenance Checklist

Here’s a checklist of some of the check-up tasks we complete during our annual inspection and maintenance visit.

We inspect, check, clean or replace:

  • Water meter readings and record water production. 
  • Chemical solution tanks and record amounts used. 
  • Water levels in storage tanks. 
  • Chemical feed pumps. 
  • Chlorine residual at the point of application. 
  • Chlorine residual in the distribution system. 
  • Booster pump stations. 
  • Fluoride concentration in the distribution system. 
  • Instrumentation for proper signal input/output. 
  • Pumps, motors, and controls.
  • Pan strainer and flush pan.
  • Bleed-off valve to make sure it is operative.
  • Status of pump and pump motor lubrication.
  • Operating level in pan and float valve.
  • Water distribution system and spray pattern.
  • Fan blades for cracks, missing balancing weights, and vibrations.
  • Sheaves and bushings for corrosion. Scrape and coat with protective finish.
  • Fan shaft bearings lubricant.
  • Fan motor bearings lubricant.
  • Belt tension and adjustments.
  • Fan screens, inlet louvers, fans and coils. Remove any dirt or debris.
  • Clean protective finish.  
  • Water quality for biological contamination. 
  • That the outside or you water treatment unit is free from debris.
  • Coil surface for scale and/or corrosion.
  • Filter membranes.


We also check the water pressure and flow rate throughout the system.  We inspect for any organic or non-organic blockages, and we make necessary water pressure adjustments when needed.

We check and confirm that filtration rates are working optimally.  We clean or replace water filters and membranes as needed and we inspect the entire system for signs of contamination, leaks, or blockages, including making sure that valves and connection points are tightly screwed together.  If necessary, we replace any worn or broken parts.  We inspect your electrical system and control panel and we replace any frayed or broken wires.

As a homeowner, you can make sure that all debris is removed from the outside of your system.  You can also help to reduce sedimentation by flushing your water softener unit and changing filters yourself.  You can check your home’s faucets for proper water flow by unscrewing the aerator at the bottom of the faucet and cleaning it.  

You can even buy a simple water testing kit to test your water for hardness or softness, for the presence of chemicals and other impurities.  Or you can just do a simple check for the water’s taste, the absence or presence of some kind of odor, and you can observe your water’s color.  These three characteristics could indicate a problem or problems with your current water supply.

Contact Us Below For Water Filtration System Installation

Commercial Water Quality

Testing water quality in your own home or business, even with this simple three-step test, can help you in the initial process of determining if you have hard water or it contains other impurities that can damage, clog, or shorten the lifespan of your pipes and plumbing.  It can also be harmful to your family’s or employee’s health.

Clean water is not only vital to our health, but major economic sectors from energy production to manufacturing to agriculture and food cultivation, tourism, and other commercial enterprises, including residential homebuilders, all depend on clean, pure water to function and flourish.  Without clean water, our economy would grind to a complete and disastrous halt.

Having access to clean water in the commercial, industrial, agricultural, and residential sectors provides:

  • Improved viability of industry and manufacturing.
  • Better and more abundant food production.
  • Cleaner and less polluted environment.
  • Better maintenance of industrial machinery, prolonging its lifespan.
  • Clean water for your friends and family.
  • Clean water for your employees and staff members.


At Ideal Water Solutions in Tampa, Florida, we have been installing and maintaining water treatment systems in commercial properties, industrial manufacturing facilities, and residential homes throughout the Central and Gulf Coast regions of Florida since 1987.  And because we partner with several major water treatment equipment dealers across the country, we can deliver the best, most cost-effective, and reliable solutions to any water issues you may encounter in your plant, commercial establishments, or homes.

We understand and appreciate the fact that human beings cannot function properly without filtered, clean water.  That’s why we offer the very best in water treatment processes and the best in a system maintenance program, so that we can deliver high-quality water to your home and business.

Our professional, experienced team can help identify and evaluate any issues you may have with your current water system and then offer you a cost-effective, concise, and reliable proposal to address and repair the issues in a timely manner.  Give us a call today to get the facts about how we are uniquely qualified to provide you with perfectly pure water one drop at a time.